ProTest to invest in Training programs

Since 2018, ProTest Solutions has been an accredited training provider for ISTQB. The courses (both live and the recorded ones) are going great, ratings are high and life’s peachy. But is it enough?

No it’s not enough. In these times, we have found out it is not enough to be relying on there being available QAs on the market as the market is booming! Therefore we have decided to start growing our own QAs. This year, Protest Solutions will focus on enhancing their existing training programs for software testers to:

  • Be able to offer this training program to universities and companies;
  • Be able to take candidates from university and steam them into QAs;
  • Bring more QAs on the market;
  • Spread the love for the Software Testing craft.

This training will hold theoretical knowledge, but also practical training and experience with regards to the testing of UI, Backend, APIs, Performance and much much more!

Tune in and stay informed 🙂